Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Celebrating Stepfamilies

Hello beautiful readers

Step-families is a subject close to my heart . I became a step Mum before it was a socially accepted thing to be...Society has changed so much in my lifetime. Step-families are real, they are here to stay and they are unique...

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek...

I will continue to pop the link here as a choice for viewing.  

I am very appreciative of the 19,319 page views I have had on this site...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing.  

Goodness me...time has slipped by yet again... changes still afoot! 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.

Do you feel, look and speak with confidence? If not...my skill lies in developing your style... your mind and body... so you can shine and be your best... in your business..

If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching

Would you like to know more? 

Saturday, 26 July 2014

'I've Mellowed', I Said ...Then 'Grannie goes to TAFE to Babysit Grandchildren' Popped Up.

Hello beautiful readers

As I was basking in the quietness, wisdom and tolerance of my mellowing... something that is often characteristic of maturity... my friends were gwaffing loudly!

Well mellow will have to wait till next week as I become very un-mellow in less than  a heartbeat on the subject of grannies going to TAFE to look after their grandchildren......

I hope this post will look at some of my points... I would love to hear how you feel on the subject...

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek... 

I will continue to pop the link here as a choice for viewing.  

I am very appreciative of the 19,245 page views I have had on this site...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing. 

Goodness me...time has slipped by yet again... changes still afoot! 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.

Do you feel, look and speak with confidence? If not...my skill lies in developing your style... your mind and body... so you can shine and be your best... in your business..

If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching

Would you like to know more? 

Thursday, 10 July 2014

5 Ideas From Coco Chanel's Spin On Femininity

Hello beautiful readers

Femininity is a topic that can raise hackles and stimulate conversation. I have a great admiration for Coco Chanel and she came to mind as I was thinking about the topic. 

Femininity was one of her strengths...maybe she was the original? She was also right up there with the 'spin doctor' effect. her life was shrouded in mystery and intrigue. You may enjoy her spin on the subject. Enjoy!
And I would love to hear your take on the subject. 

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek... 

I will continue to pop the link here as a choice for viewing.  

I am very appreciative of the 18,787 page views I have had on this site...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing. 

Goodness me...time has slipped by yet again... changes still afoot! 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

 I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.

Do you feel, look and speak with confidence? If not...my skill lies in developing your style... your mind and body... so you can shine and be your best... in your business..

If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching

Would you like to know more? 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

A Tale Of Two Rolfs... And An Opportunity For Societal Change.

Hello beautiful readers

Right now I have my confidence, courage and power in both hands as I  speak up on a subject close to my heart and a part of my life experience. Rolf Harris being found guilty of grooming and sexually assaulting four teenage girls.  

In sharing what jumped out at me, my journey and linking the two brought me to thinking this is an opportunity for societal change... when we start taking personal responsibility and looking beyond to drivers of behaviour for the abuser and the victim.

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek... 

I will continue to pop the link here as a choice for viewing.  

I am very appreciative of the 18,617page views I have had on this site...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing. 

Goodness me...time has slipped by yet again... changes still afoot! 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.

Do you feel, look and speak with confidence? If not...my skill lies in developing your style... your mind and body... so you can shine and be your best... in your business..

If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching

Would you like to know more?