Hello beautiful readers
What a pleasure it was to be MC for the Inaugural Inspiring Nambour Women
Event hosted by Leeann Butler-Landers....an
evening of 4 amazing speakers sharing their passion, success and fulfillment. My
take away... 'Never judge a book by its cover' and 'like attracts like'...
I do hope you will pop over and take a peek...
I will continue to pop the link here as a choice for
I am very appreciative of the 20.023 page views I
have had on this site...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I
have enjoyed the writing.
Goodness me...time has
slipped by yet again... changes still afoot!
I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
Do you feel, look and speak with confidence? If not...my skill lies in
developing your style... your mind and body... so you can shine and be your
best... in your business..
Would you like to know
Slip over to http://diriddell.com/confidence-coaching-2/
Or Facebook http://facebook.com/confidencebeyond50
Or Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/dimr47/