Saturday, 31 August 2013

3½ Things NOT To Do.... and it takes quiet confidence...

Hello beautiful readers on Father's Day....yes,  I have posted in my new Wordpress site...the link to this post is: 

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek... 

For the next few posts I will continue to pop the link here as you get used to my new site. 

I am very appreciative of the 9,550 page views I have had...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing. 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

 I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.

If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops…

 Would you like to know more?  Slip over to

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Is There A Personality Behind Your Handwriting

Hello beautiful readers....tonight I have posted in my new Wordpress site...the link to this post is:

I do hope you will pop over and take a peek... 

For the next few posts I will continue to pop the link here as you get used to my new site. 

I am very appreciative of the 9,550 page views I have had...and I hope you have enjoyed the reading as much as I have enjoyed the writing. 

Warm regards Di…and what …you are asking… does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
If that is not happening for you…let me help you… with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops…
Especially The 3B’s ..Be seen, be heard and be visible. (available soon)
Would you like to know more?  Slip over to

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Whoosh as the ruler descended.... SMACK!

She felt the breeze before the brunt of the metal edge of the wooden ruler hit as it swished through the air before it came crashing down on her knuckles.... the 5 year old eyes watered and  her hand throbbed ...what was her crime? Picking up her pencil in her left hand. She did not even realise it was her left hand because she got confused between her left and right hands. It was simply the hand she used to colour in and draw.

As she sat there tears rolling down her cheeks she wondered why, why, why was it so wrong to pick up a pencil in her 'that' hand.  

She being me... I ask myself did that set the scene for me to have unusual handwriting? I often hear the comment...' It looks neat but I can't read it.'

Then I saw this image ... and what  a beauty! Written just for me I think.  

         I don't have bad hand writing...I have my own font. 

Did this happen to anyone else when they started school? Yes, it happened to me and countless thousands of others who started school in the 1950's. The excitement of going to school waned quickly as my knuckles suffered on a daily basis.And it did nothing to boost confidence.

This 'training' apparently was for 'my own good'  Miss Lowe, the googly eyed, enormous  frightening teacher towering over me bellowed. She delighted in pointing out my 'crime' to the rest of the class. ...That pain extended beyond the classroom. If that was not torment enough horror of horrors was the maypole dance...Each of us round a pole with a coloured streamer each and the idea was steps to the left and steps to the right in sequence...I did not remember the sequence, nor which foot to put forward...gee I wonder why????

You can guess what I am going to say...left, left, right and there I would be with the wrong foot forward going in the wrong direction.  Again I felt the  breeze before the brunt of the metal edge of the wooden ruler  as it swished through the air before it came crashing down across the back of my legs.

Imagine doing that to a child today? I know we really can't place today's values on yesterdays actions...but that was a tough gig for a kid.

'Straighten up your page Dianna' would be the next bellow to fly across the room. Yes like many left hander's...I turn the page at an angle to write. So can you imagine there I sat with the book straight, pencil in my right did I know which was right? By this time my stinging knuckles helped give me a clue.  

To say it was pure an understatement. To say I did not care would be to tell a porkie of massive proportions! Thank goodness it no longer standard practice...

Next time someone has a 'point of view' about your may like to borrow the phrase... I don't have bad hand writing...I have my own font. Be proud and confident about your is your distinction, your personality shining through.


And as a rider...did you know that 'Everyone was born left turn right handed when you make your first mistake!!!!

If you are a left hander and of a certain age (how is that for delicate)...I would love to hear your experiences of learning to write. 

Just letting you all know I am switching from Paint The Ceiling Beige to my new website, the blog is within - the link is -  I look forward to your following me to the new site  and to express my appreciation for your followings and comments - I love it do keep it up! 

Warm regards Di...and what are asking... does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
If that is not happening for you...let me help you... with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops...
Especially The 3B's ..Be seen, be heard and be visible.
If that sparks your interest contact on or  

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Confidence to Say... 'Blogging is About Starting A Conversation'

OK clever chops Di ...what are you starting now?   

Well Ok not exactly change ... adapt and review. 

Uummm and how did this start? A comment to a fabulous mentor of mine Krishna...about engaging readers and encouraging comments  on my blog. Many readers and friends say when I run into them socially and professionally 'love your blog', ;I get a giggle', 'you make me think', 'yes, that happened to me'.  'your posts really are awesome and entertaining'.



And when I say 'Why don't you tell me?  The response is often ...'I did not know what to say'... 'I did not want to look silly', 'I had nothing to add'

Then this morning - THE  CRUNCHER ... I left Krishna with nothing to say after she had read a post because I rounded it all up very nicely, cleanly and tidily.... yes just like a good Toastmaster, 35 years of rounding off in speeches what I wanted to say. 

I had never realised I was leaving little space for a readers thoughts to germinate, pop up and out and perhaps be posted. A space where their imagination and memories can rise and where they can feel comfortable in expressing their views.

This particular post was a light hearted chat about the 'size of' or 'lack of' breasts. Krishna words were 'When I was reading it, I was thinking of all kinds of size issues I had growing up, and wanted to leave a comment. Once the context altered about the size of the impact you make on the world, (a very valid point), I couldn't see a reason to leave a comment.'

My focus has been on leaving a message...and in that focus I cut off a readers response. Now if that is impeding readers from wanting to comment...then it is my choice to take a look at my style....

Krishna gave me some wise words Blogs are more about starting a conversation....

1st Note to are starting a conversation Di NOT writing a speech! 

 Uummm now this is going to be a challenge... leaving a 'message' is my will feel incomplete to me...however I am willing to be flexible and have a crack... and aim to keep my snappy little fingers away when I am tempted to 'fix it'....

 So today I am blogging about not getting a lot of engagement, adapting my style and STOP trying to fix it! 



2nd note to wonder I am challenged by Twitter...I am too verbose! and believe me one of Krishna's many talents is being succinct.  


3rd note to self Di ... time for a new perspective....perhaps I am was getting a little (OK a lot) hung up on little things....eekkkkkkkk did I say that?

Anyone notice I am a bit of a 'note' person????? 
No I didn't think you would!

How am I going?  Go on... tell me... you know you want to. 

And of course...I always love to hear from you! 

Warm regards Di...and what are asking... does this woman do?

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
If that is not happening ...let me help you... with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops...
Especially The 3B's ..Be seen, be heard and be visible.
If that sparks your interest contact on or

Saturday, 10 August 2013

4 Words That Changed My life...

Only 4 you say!  What were they? 

    Come and join Toastmasters!


WHAT I screeched..are you out of your mind ... me ... stand and speak in front of  a group NOT ON YOUR NELLIE!  Not interested.. not going to happen...NO, NO, NO!

Of course I uttered these words with a modicum of restraint! Who are you kidding know you yelled them from the rooftops!  Believe me I was petrified, terrified and every other kind of fried you can think of.....


Next thing...there I was...dumbfounded as I knew I would be, nervous,  felt ill, wanted to throw up could not think clearly or think. My hands shook, my palms were sweaty and my tummy was turning somersaults.  And with that mindset no wonder. I was so, so, so confident about being un-confident and I was telling the world all the reason why I couldn't. Have you ever felt like that? Experienced that gut wrenching fear of making a fool of yourself? 

And why am I sharing these ghastly unflattering memories? Because it is a milestone in the organisation right now. It is 40 years since women were officially allowed to join.  I have been a member for 35 of those years and what a journey it has been. Women joining changed the face of the organisation in many ways. I am polishing some ideas on my journey and will share them at a later date.

What began as an all male organisation in the US in 1924  is now in 116 countries around the world. And from an all male membership we now have 52% female and 48%male. Now I am not coming from a bra burning (hell why would I do that, I need all the help I can get) fanatical point of view. But from a  softer, inclusive viewpoint of working together for improved communication. 

 It happened that when I was District Governor ( our District is Queensland, Northern NSW, Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea) the first time in 1985/86 I was privileged to work with the 1st female International President Helen Blanchard. Then I had a re-run in 2002.


There may be some readers who do not know what Toastmasters is. Simply expressed, it is a communication and leadership organisation based on helping the individual. Broadly speaking the program covers four basic areas prepared and impromptu speaking, evaluating and meeting procedure all within a time frame.

How relevant is that in today's world? We are all time poor... if you can confidently communicate your message effectively and succinctly that puts you ahead in life personally and professionally.  

So what have I got out of my 35 years.....

  • Bucketloads of gratitude for the fabulous experiences and friends I have made in the process.
  • Confidence in abundance which led to developing a faith in myself that I could do it....firstly for me, then in helping others.
  • Effective evaluation techniques have assisted me in every area of my life and made me a more compassionate person.
  • When my communication skills improved leadership skills were revealed.
  • Life long learning on raising my level of communicating effectively.
  • Honed my listening many of us 'sort of' listen'?
  • Developed  a passion for be there and assist others as I was helped over the years.
  • Amazing and incredible friendships..I feel it is because of the nature of sharing stories, personal a supportive and non judgmental setting. The perfect spot for friendships to blossom
  • The absolute confidence to support me as I shared my life story, wrote and self published and started speaking to Women's groups.
To sum it up...I have had many opportunities for self growth, I have met some who certainly gave me incredible opportunities fore self growth and I met bucketloads of the most extraordinary people on this planet many of whom are my friends.  

Toastmasters my not be for you...and that is may have another avenue that worked even better. Life is about making choices and stepping up in out own way to enrich our lives and grow. This organisation was my gi-normous stepping stone....

Ok 'fess up time....

Today is my 75th 4 more words...MOVE OVER TO WORDPRESS. Why have I been waiting? ...'Where is your Wordpress blog? Well, I was waiting for everything to be just perfect...and we all know confidence is not spelt P.E.R.F.E.C.T. I was waiting for all my ducks to be in a row ... and when I thought they were ... you guessed it they were not my ducks! So here I am imperfectly having a crack yet with confidence getting it up and out there....

The link for readers to follow over to my new site which remains is I invite you pop over and take a look...

For the next couple of posts I will post in both places here under 'Paint the Ceiling Beige' as well as here so those who have enjoyed my writings and sharings can continue to do so. Thank you beautiful people for my almost 9,000 page views and your comments from 75 blog posts. Woohoo yes today is No 75!  

Now it is my turn to ask you....What 4 four words have had a major impact on your life? Did you jump up and grab it with both hands or did you need a ..Oh OK loads of encouragement like I did?  

I love to know you have been here...please do share what has had a major impact on your life...other readers also love to hear.

Warm regards Di...and what are asking... does this woman do?

 I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
If that is not happening ...let me help you... with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops...
Especially The 3B's ..Be seen, be heard and be visible.
If that sparks your interest contact on or

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Eekkk I Think I Sprouted A USB Port?

Ok, Ok who else just looked? Go on I bet someone did? I bet someone looked down as if to see one magically appear! 

And then I bet you giggled! Knowing how outrageous it sounds...but we still do it then glance surreptitiously around to check that no one saw us! 

Am I winding you up? Well maybe just a teensy weensy bit...but you get my drift.


Who do you know who is permanently glued to their computer or other device? Of course I am not referring to you or I....but you might know the elusive 'someone' who is. Has the computer, internet, Facebook or other social sites become like a drug...if you don't get your fix you will hyperventilate until you reach your computer...aahhhh there, plugged in, you  relax and head off into computer land!
Have you let technology adversely affect you...has it stolen your creative juices or worse been a source of procrastination?

 Do I let the computer take over my life? Do I jump on Facebook and other social media sites 10 times a day? Am I lily white and innocent here? No...maybe...ohh Ok yes!  Sometimes! How did this happen!

 A brief history of days gone by....

The Story of Lady Di the demure...A Grim Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Princess in a far away land called Nambour.

She was such a happy girl who played merrily with her toys...As she grew up she decided to devote her life to humanity, being a super nurse and dreamed of being a technology guru.

Unfortunately, no one had a vacancy for a nine year old nurse, so broken hearted she returned to her toys and castle life.

Eventually she was old enough to join that noble profession and years passed with the backbreaking toil that passed for nursing in days of yore, toting bedpans, taking temperatures and even sneaking a quick fag at morning tea time. Lady Di flew from one challenge to another her heart was gold and her intentions the purest.

In the year of the Lord 1970 it came to pass she was Sister Super Nurse. . Looking for greater challenges she met Prince Les who was indeed the King of Technology. Her guileless exquisite  nature had him plight his troth as she schemed to become Mrs Technology and have her wicked way into this strange, new and un-feminine field..

Alas her passion was quelled as it was deemed unsuitable for Lady Di to dabble in such dreary distractions.  She wept and wailed, swooned and fainted...all to no avail.

Many seasons later her Prince Les having departed for the heavenly fields she again felt the need for a outlet for her pent up emotions and that ancient order of Technology popped up and what she unleashed will now be chronicled for posterity.

Despite being shy and retiring Lady Di the demure forced herself to seek skills in technology. People started to listen to her and after  tasting power and control nothing could stop her.

When alas her dainty figure experienced excruciating examination showed she had developed this strange new phenomena ....she had sprouted a USB port.

Lady Di was in desperate need of the very best medical help to remove the embedded USB was considered a very serious surgical procedure... thankfully she had a full recovery she was graciously weaned off her computer and she is back on track, serving humanity.

 Silly woman do I hear you mutter?

I urge you to stop for a moment...and when that serious technology buff, you or someone you know... comes home must take judicious care and at the slightest hint of any physical disturbance do check for that insidious new affliction...the USBES - the 'USB Embedded Syndrome' has not  surreptitiously appeared blocking all conscious thought.  

Light hearted...yes     Unbelievable...yes     Likely...maybe...

What can you do? Remember to be a human, remember your loved ones, remember self care, polish your sense of humour and remember to turn off the computer ...It will still be there tomorrow! 

Even if you miss a day... the sun will come up tomorrow.  Enjoy today, enjoy your life.

Warm regards Di...and what are asking... does this woman do? 

I am passionate about mature women having the confidence and personal presentation to support their life choices.
If that is not happening ...let me help you... with one on one coaching, small group activity or workshops...
Especially The 3B's ..Be seen, be heard and be visible.
If that sparks your interest contact on or

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Letter to my granddaughter's… confidence, sensuality and being there!

Recently I have had the privilege be being there for two of my adult granddaughters and also for my littlies. Sure with the six and two year olds my presence and undivided attention is sufficient right now. My connection is deeper for the mature girls.

Today is an update from one of my very early posts...which I felt drawn to repeat. Why? Because I value the essence of 'being there'.

'Being there' means to me...being available, being trustworthy (knowing you won't repeat what they share with you) being able to listen and hold the space while they talk out a challenge, being non-judgmental and supportive in a way only a grandparent can is such a different relationship to the one you have with your children. The emotional connection is at a different level.  


What magical words to hear 'I really appreciate you listening to me. I honestly don't think there is anyone else I can tell who could be so informative, non disruptive and non judgmental. I'm proud to have you as my Grannie Di..

And my words flow....

Darling you are beautiful, you are loved, you are special and you can do it!

Your life will be littered with glad and sad moments ranging from the miniscule to the monumental. What a joy our life journey is and what a privilege it is to be your Grannie Di. I encourage you to love yourself and grow into the  amazing fabulous woman I know you will be. 

I have watched over you as you have grown; sometimes near, sometimes from afar. Wherever I am, the invisible thread that binds our soul will be always be there. A grandmother and her granddaughter have an opportunity to share such a special bond. Freed from parental responsibilities I am free to love, guide and yes, share love, light and laughter between us.

You have such openness, curiousity and delight in everything that you approach never forget to look within and see you own inner beauty and strength. As life pops up doors will open, some will close gently, others will just slam! Then the magical happens and you can and will be delighted.  

You won’t just grow up confident without a care and have the world at your feet. Now don’t go off into a funk…you haven’t heard the worst yet. Brace yourself; there will be high and lows, great times and shocking times.

I know it isn’t what you want to hear but really the world we live in is not all that good for confidence building, let alone promoting sensuality. You will suddenly find yourself in your 20’s then 30’s and as each decade approaches – same deal. Your confidence will be celebrated and challenged in a host of different ways.

Here’s another curly one – a pretty girl or a great looking guy knows that ’beauty’ opens doors, but what happens when you open your mouth? Have you learned to speak with kindness, joy and love? Have you learned the lessons of openness, honesty and trust? Have you learned the utter joy of laughter, it will carry you over the rocky times in your life. If you settle for superficial confidence you will struggle to believe you have anything else to offer.

You will find a way to move forward with your confidence – that may seem a drag now yet it is curiously fulfilling and comforting. 

As you mature you will come to understand sensuality apart from sexiness. Sensual is the way you move, the way you talk and act, the lure of the promised…not yet delivered.  It comes from deep within and is about your personality and aura. Sexiness my dear you already understand!

Too soon, you to will have children and when you are 50+, you may be on top of the world and that would be fabulous. If not, it is never too late to seek out confidence and sensuality again. It would be the perfect opportunity to re-discover it and how exquisitely exciting is that? You will remember our conversations about life from when you were a young lady. 

You will be unaware that you have taught me so much, the intensity, vibrancy and energy of youth are a constant source of delight and amazement to me. Lessons that were learned simply because I was willing to listen to your innate wisdom.  Thank you.

You can build an inner confidence and sensuality that simply radiates and shines, you can speak with love and kindness, you can feed it with positivity regularly, you can learn to laugh at your sometimes un-confident self, pick yourself up and dust yourself off and do it all again. Confidence and sensuality are potent qualities and values to possess. 


From my heart to your heart and speaking with the wisdom gained from my life experience - remember darling, you are beautiful, you are loved, you are special and you can do it! And I am here for you!

 Maybe you have a beautiful granddaughter to share this message with...maybe you have a message to share with other readers.

As usual I love to know you have been here. It would be fabulous to hear the gems you shared with your granddaughters or perhaps what gems you learned from your grandmother.