Thursday 13 June 2013

Respectfully supporting seductive, confident and knowing...mature women!

Respect, confidence tipped to arrogance and sexist bullying is sadly all over the news here in Australia at the moment. For those outside of our country...derogatory phrases about our female Prime Minister by a male, a candidate for the Opposition in our upcoming Federal elections has left many feeling angry, saddened and wondering where our politics are heading.

It would appear that women are encouraged to step up into leadership positions only then to be castigated by men... women and the media.

Yes the women in politics are mature women, the women on Boards are mature, women in leadership roles are mature women.  And...I am bringing in a comment from a male from my last post, not on leadership rather on the value and essence of mature women.

Rodney Bukuya  has given me permission to use his words, yes this about love and sensuality...and yes I believe this is the essence of women...that strength then flows into every other area of her life!  A heartfelt thanks from me Rodney...for sharing your thoughts.

That older women were once tossed into the scrap heap of beauty is one of our societies great failings. Even in my early 20's I'd had "friends" that were 15-20 years older and this continued for years.

The oldest woman I slept with in my early 20's was 63. She was a powerful and energetic woman and she had more love for life than many women half her age.

That her husband was no longer interested in her sexually or intellectually was mind boggling to a young man trying to find his way through the world.

I learned more about love, sexuality, intimacy and friendship from the older women in my life than I ever could from the girls my own age who were still scared of their own shadows.

If young men stopped being worried about what other people might think of them, then they too could do worse than take an older woman as a lover.

Older women taught me the art of bringing a woman out of fear and turning her into a sexual powerhouse. They also taught me how to harness the sexual gifts I had been given and use them to full advantage.

Older women taught me to be discerning with my sexual energy, taught me how to walk out of a party with the most wanted woman in there.

Older women taught me the use of innuendo and play, taught me how to coax a woman away from the very table she was sitting at with her husband. Taught me how to get a woman how to tell her partner she was leaving with me.

Am I being frivolous in sharing these words? Noooooooooooooooo I am not.

My thoughts and my writings come from my heart, they come form observations and conversations I have with other mature women. So many are feeling fear, overwhelm, uncertain and put down.  

I am passionate and  a strong advocate for women to have the confidence to do what they need to do and to say what they need to say... in their world. support them in that process.  

In light of the last few days political events here, my thoughts on confidence,  sensuality and knowing, I felt compelled to speak out. Yes my thoughts start from the heart and to me a helping hand does not end at the wrist it extends to your heart.

Never think that my lightness of tone lessens my intent, respect and integrity for the support and betterment of women...especially mature women, in every area of life.

Confidence comes from being prepared...what song do you sing, what words do you use to support you... and the other the mature women in your life? 

When is enough...enough?

I would love you to leave a message and share your thoughts in praise of a mature women...

So...Who do you know who is one fantastic mature woman and why?


  1. Being a mature woman myself I so hear the words resonating in me as I read this today. I have found a much more confident sensual woman within me in my fifties and I am sure there is more to come as I move into my sixties. Look forward to more of your blogs Di.
    Love and feminine essence. Jenni Mears founder of Heart Radiant Women

    1. Thanks Jenni, I think many mature women are allowing and or discovering their sensual confident selves and I think it is fantastic.

      My wish is to support, encourage and inspire those who are seeking and not yet there....and to honour and celebrate with those who are there.

      For mature women to be seen, be heard and be visible or to use Coco Chanel's words "You can be gorgeous at 30, charming at 40 and irresistible for the rest of your life.'

  2. As I mature and learn and find that true confidence within my self, I feel more and more that have wisdom to share. There is a lot of truth in the words expressed in this post. Mature women have so much to offer in love, healing, wisdom, experience and lessons learnt along the way. I know several fantastic mature women. One of the pleasures of maturity is having friends you can have true discussions with.

    1. So true and beautifully responded to Kama...I think we grow into our quiet confidence as we collect wisdom from life's experiences and sooooo on the button about having friends to have true discussions with. Cheers Di

  3. I've been disgusted this week with the menugate affair where the jokes about the Labor men were bland but the Prime Minister had to endure big thighs, small breasts and even a remark about her vagina as being large. Disgusting. Then the radio creep who had the nerve to discuss the Prime Minister's sex life in an on-air interview.

    Finally, we hear about the sexism drama in the military and how horrid it is and how they want to stamp it out. If the people in politics can't set an example to show that women are equal and should be treated as such, how can we expect 20 year old men to do so. I don't think we can.

    Yes, it's time the PM played the gender card. I'm sick of it.

    Mature women (or women of any age at all) deserve better.

    1. I agree Maureen, women of all ages deserve respect. I think politics brings out the worst...could that be where the men in power feel the greatest threat.

      And with a poor example being set by the politicans of our land, the military and often sports stars...where are role models for the men of our future.

      This is not a 'man bashing exercise', I know many fabulous men and have lots of male seems they are not in the limelight to be espoused as role models. More the pity!

      Cheers Di
